Monday, March 16, 2009

Some tips for those who have Bell's Palsy

About 3-4 weeks ago I had Bell's Palsy. Bell's Palsy have unknown specific cause yet. My doctor said that mine was because of stress during the time when my immune system was low. I'm currently under treatment but I had big improvements since last week, when I went to my doctor.

Here are some tips for those who have bell's palsy:( Ask your doctor first if this should apply to your case)

1. You really need to take Vitamins B1, B6 and B12. That's what my doctor gave me, but of course ask your doctor first. My doctor told me that Bell's Palsy happens because of constriction of the facial nerves, which makes your face lopsided or sometimes numb.

2. Warm compress. It is needed to make the nerves return to its normal width.

3.Prednisone. This is a corticosteroid so it needs moderation. You should be careful in taking this
medicine to avoid overdosage, that's why you should always ask your doctor first.

4. Avoid meat, chocolates, junk food, beverages with ice, and direct heat of the sun. These things make your nerves constrict, and you should avoid further constriction of your nerves, right??

5. Exercise. You really need this, especially facial exercise to make your face return to normal, and so that your face would not get used to its current position.

So I think that's all that my doctor made me take and do...Good luck and get well soon to those who have it. Stay happy and healthy. XD

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