Monday, March 16, 2009

Some tips for those who have Bell's Palsy

About 3-4 weeks ago I had Bell's Palsy. Bell's Palsy have unknown specific cause yet. My doctor said that mine was because of stress during the time when my immune system was low. I'm currently under treatment but I had big improvements since last week, when I went to my doctor.

Here are some tips for those who have bell's palsy:( Ask your doctor first if this should apply to your case)

1. You really need to take Vitamins B1, B6 and B12. That's what my doctor gave me, but of course ask your doctor first. My doctor told me that Bell's Palsy happens because of constriction of the facial nerves, which makes your face lopsided or sometimes numb.

2. Warm compress. It is needed to make the nerves return to its normal width.

3.Prednisone. This is a corticosteroid so it needs moderation. You should be careful in taking this
medicine to avoid overdosage, that's why you should always ask your doctor first.

4. Avoid meat, chocolates, junk food, beverages with ice, and direct heat of the sun. These things make your nerves constrict, and you should avoid further constriction of your nerves, right??

5. Exercise. You really need this, especially facial exercise to make your face return to normal, and so that your face would not get used to its current position.

So I think that's all that my doctor made me take and do...Good luck and get well soon to those who have it. Stay happy and healthy. XD

Friday, March 13, 2009

Danger of High Triglycerides

Triglycerides(TGs)are a group of fatty compounds that circulate in the bloodstream and are stored in the fat tissue. Individuals who have elevated blood levels of TGs(known as hypertriglyceridemia) appear to be at increased risk of developing heart disease.

People with diabetes often have elevated TG levels. Succesfully controlling diabetes will, in some cases, lead to normalization of TG levels.


Excessive TG may cause pancreatitis, enlarged liver and spleen, and xanthomas. Xanthomas are fatty deposits in the skin. Otherwise, high tryglycerides may not cause any symptoms until and unless heart disease or other diseases of the blood vessels develop.


Heavy drinking is believed to be an important cause of hypertriglyceridemia. Alcoholics with hi level of TG should deal with alcoholism first.

People with high sugar levels should also reduce their sugar intake because ingesting refined sugar inreases TG levels.

There is also evidence that ingesting fructose in amounts that are found in a typical western diet can raise TG levels, although not all studies agree on that point. It should benoted that most studies of fructose investigated the refined form, not the fructose that occurs naturally in some fruits.

A change from drinking caffeinated coffee to decaffeinated coffee shows a significant reduction in the levels of TG. But be sure to eliminate intakes of caffeinated products for two weeks or more to lower your TG levels.

Water- soluble fibers such as pectin found in fruit, guar gum and other gums found in beans, and beta-glucan found in oats, may be particularly helpful in lowering triglycerides.


Exercise lowers TG levels. People with diabetes, heart disease, or aged more than 40, should consult a doctor first before beginning an exercise program.

Smokers should start to quit smoking.

Lose extra weight. Maintaining ideal body weight helps protect against elevated TG levels.


Eat Fish: eat more fatty fish

Get the niacin you need: take niacin (vitamin B3) in amounts large enough to lower your triglyceride levels, but consult your doctor first.

Slim down: try having an exercise program and healthy diet to avoid gaining extra weight.

Diet Right: Limit sugar, and other refined carbohydrates intake. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine.

Focus on Fitness: Begin an exercise program.

Source:Healthy Options Magazine, Delicious Living Magazine